Sunday, November 30, 2014

A&N Islands at a Glance

Number of Districts
Number of Sub-Divisions
Number of Tehsils
Number of CD Blocks
Number of Panchayats
Number of Panchayat Samities
Number of Zilla Parishad
Number of Revenue Villages
Number of Municipality
Number of Statutory Town
Number of Census Town
Total Number of Islands
Number of un-Inhabited Islands
Number of Inhabited Islands
Number of Census Villages
Number of Inhabited Villages (2001 Census)
Number of Uninhabited Villages (2001 Census)
Decadal Growth Rate (2001 Census)
Density of Population (2001 Census)
43 per Sq. Kms
Total Area
8249 Sq. Kms
South Andaman District
3106 Sq. Kms
Middle & North Andaman District
3302 Sq. Kms
Nicobar District
1841 Sq. Kms
Urban Area
16.64 Sq. Kms
Rural Area
8232.36 Sq. Kms

Population - 2011 (Provisional figure as per Census)
South Andaman (Urban)
South Anadaman (Rural)
South Andaman (Total)
Middle & North Andaman (Rural)
Nicobar (Rural)
Andaman & Nicobar (Urban)
Andaman & Nicobar (Rural)
Andaman & Niobar (Total)

State Bird
Andaman Wood Pigeon is an endemic bird, which is found only in Andaman and Nicobar group of islands. This bird is of the size of a domestic pigeon with longer tail. This bird has whitish head with checkerboard pattern on neck. The upper parts are dark slate grey in colour and underparts are pale blue grey Metallic green sheen on upper side and reddish bill with yellowish tip and purplish red orbital skin are identification characters. The bird lives in dense broadleaved evergreen forest.

Dugong - State Andaman
Dugong, an endangered marine mammal, also known as Sea Cow, is only strictly marine mammal, which is herbivorous. It mainly feeds on sea-grass and other aquatic vegetation. Dugong is distributed in shallow tropical waters in Indo-Pacific Region. The animal is about three-metre length and weighs about 400 kg. In India Dugong is reported from Gulf of Kutch, Gulf of Mannar, Palk Bay and Andaman & Nicobar Islands. Within A&N Islands Dugong has been reported from Ritchie”s Archipelago, North Reef, Little Andaman and parts of Nicobars

Andaman Padauk - State Tree
Andaman Padauk is a tall deciduous tree found only in Andaman. It grows upto height of 120 feet. The timber is highly prized for making furniture. Burr and Buttress formation add charm to the tree and used in making unique furniture.

3. General Information of Andaman & Nicobar Islands

Bay of Bengal
6° to 14° North
92° to 94° East
Altitude (Highest Point)
Andaman Islands
Nicobar Islands
Saddle Peak(North Andaman Island)
732 Metres
Mount Thullier (Great Nicobar Island)
642 Metres

1962 Kms

Sq. Km
Andaman District
Nicobar District
North & Middle Andaman
Sub Division Wise
South Andaman
Car Nicobar
Tehsil Wise
Port Blair
Car Nicobar
Length & Breadth
Length and Breadth of Andaman Islands
Total Length
467 Kms
Maximum Width
52 Kms
Average Width
24 kms
Length and Breadth of Nicobar Islands
Total Length
259 Kms
Maximum Width
58 Kms
Biggest inhabitant Island in Andaman Group
Middle Andaman Island
1536 Sq.Km
Biggest inhabitant Island in Nicobar Group
Great Nicobar Island
1045 Sq.Km.
Smallest inhabitant Island in Andaman Group
Curlew Island
0.3 Sq Km
Smallest inhabitant Island in Nicobar Group
Pilomillow Island
1.3 Sq.Km
Distance by Sea (in Kms)
Between Port Blair & Chennai
Between Port Blair & kolkatta
Between Port Blair & Vishakapatnam
Distance by Air (in Kms)
Between kolkatta & Port Blair
Between Chennai & Port Blair

4.Administrative unit of Andaman & Nicobar Islands

Administrative Unit
Statutory Town
Census Town
Lok Sabha Seat
Municipal Council
Municipal Ward
Gram Panchayat
Panchayat Samiti
Zilla Parishad
Total Islands : 556
Inhabited Islands
Uninhabited Islands
District Wise Inhabited Islands
South Andaman
North & Middle Andaman
Revenue Village
Census Village
Tribal Council
Tribal Village Council
Per Capita Income (Rs.) 2009-10 (P)
At Current Prices
At Constant Prices

5. Climate Information of Andaman & Nicobar Islands for the year 2010
Normal Rainfall at Port Blair
3180 mm
Actual Rainfall at Port Blair
3116.6 mm
Rainy days at Port Blair (No)
Mean Minimum Temperature at Port Blair
Mean Maximum Temperature at Port Blair
Mean Relative Humidity at Port Blair (0830hrs)
Mean Relative Humidity at Port Blair (1730hrs)
Mean Wind Speed at Port Blair (Km/Hr)

6. Population and Literacy Rate of Andaman & Nicobar Islands
Population Census 2011 (P)
Andaman & Nicobar Islands
District Wise
South Andaman
North & Middle Andaman
0-6 yrs Population Census 2011 (P)

A&N Islands
District Wise
South Andaman
North & Middle Andaman
Nicobar District
Literate Population Census 2011 (P)
Literate Population
A&N Islands
South Andaman
North & Middle Andaman
Literacy Rate
Census 2011

Male %
Female %
Total %
A & N Islands
South Andaman
North & Middle Andaman

Particularly vulnerable Tribal Groups (PTGs) who have been identified in the Andaman & Nicobar Islands. They are:-

They were once the largest in population amongst the various tribes inhabiting the Andaman Islands. Their estimated population in 1789 was 10,000. By 1901, their number had decreased to 625 and by 1969 their number had reduced to 19 only. According to the Census of 1971, only 24 of them were around, but by 1999, their number had increased to 41. The Administration is doing its best to protect and preserve this tribe. These tribals have been rehabilitated in a small island named Strait Island. The Great Andamanese were foragers. Today, they eat rice, dal, chapati and other modern food items. They can cook food using spices. At times they still go hunting and gathering. Their traditional diet consists of fish, dugong, turtle, turtle eggs, crabs, roots and tubers. They also eat pork, Andaman water monitor lizard etc. As coastal people, they relish octopus, molluses taken out from shell of marine animals like turban shell, scorpion shell, sundial, helmet, trochus and screw shell besides various types of crabs and fish. Lately some of them have taken to cultivating vegetables and have also established poultry farms. They are vulnerable to communicable diseases besides unhealthy drinking habits, acquired after contact with the non-tribal, urban, dominant and advanced communities
Onges are one of the most primitive tribes in India. They belong to the Negrito racial stock and they have been relegated to the reservation at Dugong Creek in Little Andaman Island. They are a semi-nomadic tribe and fully dependent on the food pro vided by nature. They have now experienced the impact of outsiders, as efforts at befriending them have proved successful. They have been provided with pucca houses, food, clothes, medicine etc. by the Administration. They eat turtle, fish, roots and jack fruits etc. They have developed artistry and crafts. The Onges can make canoes. A primary school has also been functioning at the Dugong Creek settlement of Onges. The population of this tribe is stable and is at present 94.

The Jarawa tribes with an estimated population of 341 inhabit the Western coasts of South & Middle Andaman islands. They are leading their normal life of hunting and gathering. The Ministry of Home Affairs, Govt. of India, in consultation with the Ministry of Tribal Affairs and A & N Administration had finalized a policy on the Jarawa Tribe of Andaman Island, on the basis of the recommendations of the experts in various fields. The policy was notified in December, 2004 and is being implemented strictly to ensure protection and welfare of Jarawas. In order to ensure a rich resource of forest based traditional food like wild pig, turtle, honey and fish etc, the Jarawa reserve area has been increased from 847 to 1028 Sq. kms. Exclusive marine resource base has also been increased by declaring coastal water upto 5 km from High Tide Line as tribal reserve. Exclusive Wards at Primary Health Centre, Tushnabad, Kadamtala and G.B. Pant Hospital, Port Blair for Jarawas have been provided and such Wards are declared as tribal reserves to prevent curious non-tribals from interacting with them. The Jarawa patients are being treated at these Centres. A buffer zone of 5 km radius has been notified around the Jarawa reserve, to ensure that they do not become unwitting targets of large scale tourism or commercial activities.

The Sentinelese are the inhabitants of North Sentinel Island. The area is about 60 Sq. Kilometers. They are probably the world’s only Paleolithic people surviving today without contact with any other group or community. They are considered as an off-shoot to the Onge Jarawa tribes which have acquired a different identity due to their habitation in an isolated and have lost contact with the main tribes. The Sentinelese are very hostile and never leave their Island. Very little is known about these hostile tribes.

The habitation of Shompens is the Great Nicobar which is the largest among the Nicobar Group of Islands. Like the Nicobarese, they belong to the Mongoloid race. The Shompens have two divisions, the smaller division being known as Mawa Shompens. They inhabit areas very close to the coastal region along the river valleys. They are very shy. They are quite intimate with the Nicobarese. The major group of shompens are the hostile Shompens living in Alexendra and Galathia river areas and also on the east coast of the area in the interior of the island. In the past, frequent attacks are believed to have been made on the Mawa Shompens by the hostile Shompens. But now such hostility has stopped. It is probably because they have been largely reduced in number due to various diseases. The Shompens are the victims of disease, and physically very weak. With the establishment of the settlement at Campbell Bay in Great Nicobar, Shompens have been visiting the settlers and they are gradually shaking off their shyness and indifferent attitude towards the civilized people.

About Flora & Fauna
These Islands are blessed with a unique' luxuriant evergreen tropical rainforest canopy, sheltering a mixed germ plasm bank, comprising of Indian, Myanmarese, Malaysian and endemic floral strain. So far, about 2200,varieties of plants have been recorded out of which 200 are endemic and 1300 do not occur in mainland India.
"The South Andaman forests have a profuse growth of epiphytic vegetation, mostly ferns and orchids. The Middle Andamans harbours mostly moist deciduous forests. North Andamans is characterised by the wet evergreen type, with plenty of woody climbers. The north Nicobar Islands (including Car Nicobar and Battimalv) are marked by the complete absence of evergreen forests, while such forests form the dominant vegetation in the central and southern islands of the Nicobar group. Grasslands occur only in the Nicobars, and while deciduous forests are common in the Andamans, they are almost absent in the Nicobars". This atypical forest coverage is made-up of twelve types namely (1) Giant evergreen forest (2) Andamans tropical evergreen forest (3) Southern hilltop tropical evergreen forest (4) Cane brakes (5) Wet bamboo brakes (6) Andamans semi-evergreen forest (7) Andamans moist deciduous forest (8) Andamans secondary moist deciduous forest (9) Littoral forest (10) Mangrove forest (11) Brackish water mixed forest (12) Submontane hill valley swamp forest. The present forest coverage is claimed to be 86.2% of the total land area.
Andaman Forest is abound in plethora of timber species numbering 200 or more, out of which about 30 varieties are considered to be commercial. Major commercial timber species are Gurjan (Dipterocarpus spp.) and Padauk (Pterocarpus dalbergioides). Ornamental wood such as (1) Marble Wood (Diospyros marmorata) (2) Padauk (Pterocarpus dalbergioides), (3) Silver Grey (a special formation of wood in white chuglam) (4) Chooi (Sageraea elliptical and (5) Kokko (Albizzia lebbeck) are noted for their pronounced grain formation. Padauk being steadier than teak is widely used for furniture making. Burr and the Buttress formation in Andaman Padauk are World famous for their exceptionally unique charm and figuring. Largest piece of Buttress known from Andaman was a dining table of 13'x 7'. The largest piece of Burr was again a dining table to seat eight persons at a time. The holy Rudraksha (Elaeocarps sphaericus) and aromatic Dhoop/Resin trees also occur here.

This tropical rain forest despite its isolation from adjacent land masses is surprisingly enriched with many animals.

MAMMALS - About 50 varieties of forest mammals are found to occur in A&N Islands, most of them are understood to be brought in from outside and are now considered endemic due to their prolonged insular adaptation. Rat is the largest group having 26 species followed by 14 species of bat. Among the larger mammals there are two endemic varieties of wild pig namely Sus Scrofa andamanensis from Andaman and S.S.nicobaricus from Nicobar. The spotted deer Axis axis, Barking deer and Sambar are found in Andaman District. Interview island in Middle Andaman holds a fairly good stock of feral elephants. These elephants were brought in for forest work by a private contractor who subsequently left them loose.

Butterflies and Moths - With about 225 species, the A&N Islands house some of the larger and most spectacular butterflies of the world. Ten species are endemic to these Islands. Mount Harriet National Park is one of the richest areas of butterfly and moth diversity on these Islands.

Shells Shells are perhaps the most colourful and fascinating objects known to man other than Gems since time immemorial. They served as money, ornaments, musical instruments, drinking cups, in magic and in the making of fine porcelains. They were also the symbols in rituals and religious observances, and the returning pilgrims wore them as a token of divine pardon. These islands are traditionally known for their shell wealth specially Turbo,Trochus, Murex and Nautilus. Earliest recorded commercial exploitation began during 1929. Shells are important to these islands because some like Turbo, Trochus & Nautilus etc. are being used as novelties supporting many cottage industries producing a wide range of decorative items & ornaments. Shells such as Giant clam, Green mussel and Oyster support edible shellfishery, a few like Scallop, Clam and Cockle are burnt in kiln to produce edible lime. The Univalve or one shell group belongs to the class Gastropoda having more than 80,000 species. Sacred Chank belongs to this group. Their body, in the course of development, go through a complicated process, 'torsion' i.e. the visceral mass is twisted though 90 degree together with the shell that covers it. Under mysterious circumstances many a time this process proceeds in the reverse direction thus creating an abnormal shell which otherwise lives like a normal shell. A classic example is the most wanted left-handed chank.
The Bivalve or Pelecypoda has about 20,000 living species. Majority of then burrows in sand or mud such as Pearl Oyster, Wing oyster, Giant clam etc. A third group, which is comparatively smaller, is called Cephalopoda, which includes Octopus, Squid, Nautilus etc. The soft body animal, which lives inside the shell, is covered with a thick layer of specialised epithelium cells known as rnantle, which in turn secretes a two tier shell material making the shell. The outer layer having a different colour pattern is organic in constitution, technically called 'periostracum'. Calcium ions from the environment are absorbed into the blood and deposited evenly under this layer. The next inner layer is called 'nacre' or 'mother of pearl' responsible for the pearly lustre common to many shells

Corals belong to a large group of animals known as Coelenterata (stinging animals) or Cnidaria (thread animals). Corals grow slow, they have type wise site specific growth rates. The massive forms may grow upto 2 cm. in diameter and upto 1 cm in height a year, whereas, delicate branching forms grow between 5 to 10 cm. per annum. A true reef building stony coral may be unisexual or bisexual. They breed together once in a year at a pre-determined time after dusk. This process, at places is so intense that the water stays pinkish till next morning. A large number of baby corals are released in the open ocean this way. After sometime these baby corals settle over a suitable substratum and start forming new colonies through asexual reproduction. Their morphological features change with the environment in which they settle. Due to this peculiar character they are often called 'Plastic animals'. Stony corals could be broadly divided into reef builders and non-reef builders, the reef builders are called hermatypic whereas others are known as ahermatypic corals. The reef builders possess hard calcareous skeleton and need sunlight like plants to survive. On the other hand, the non-reef builders are devoid of a true stony framework and can live well without sunlight. A few among them are capable of making protein based solidified skeleton.

Each life form in the sea is confined to its own particular zone, where pressure, light, temperature and salinity are more or less constant. In this stable environment some creatures have remained unchanged throughout their entire history. The now famous Coelacanth, one of the groups of fishes thought to have been extinct for 60 million years, has remained essentially like its relatives as they appear in fossils. Fishes are the masters of water world. For more than 360 million years they have inhabited it. Today we have about 40,000 varieties of fishes known to science. They range in size from 10 mm (Philippine Gobie) to 21m. (whale shark). Some are flattened, others inflated, many spindle shaped, a few snakelike, still others are compressed depending on the environment in which they live or particular way of life.


Places of Interest

The capital city of Port Blair is complete with lush green forests and sandy white beaches.

Destinations in Port Blair

1)      Cellular Jail
The Cellular jail situated in Port Blair, Andaman Islands  is closely associated with the freedom struggle of India. The  Cellular jail,  built in 1896 was used by the British to transport Indian freedom fighters from the Indian mainland. Thousands of freedom fighters languished for years in solitary confinement in the cells of the Cellular Jail. Today, the Cellular Jail is declared as the National Memorial, a tribute to those who dared to raise their voices against the British rule. Some of the famous inmates of the Cellular jail were Vinayak Damodar Savarkar, Dr. Diwan Singh Kalepani, Yogendra Shukla, Bhai Parmanand, and Maulana Ahmadullah.
The saga of the heroic freedom struggle is brought alive in a moving Sound & Light show at the Cellular Jail. The show is conducted every evening in the premises of Cellular jail which gives us a brief idea about the happenings in the jail prior to Independence in 1947.
2)      Water Sports Complex   
Andaman Water Sports Complex offers all kinds of water sports facilities: Sail boats, para sailing, water scooters, rowing boats, kayaks, paddle boats, water skiing facilities etc.,. Boating from this complex  up to the Ross Island is really an exciting experience. There is also a Sea water swimming pool and a change room. There is an artificial waterfall as well, which is a great attraction among the visitors. A children park nearby is a place for children to enjoy the serene environment. There is also a Memorial for the Battle of Aberdeen fought between Britishers and Andamanese aboriginals in 1859.
3)      Gandhi Park
Gandhi Park is a blend of natural brilliance, artificial creations and historical monuments. Gandhi Park has artificially but well maintained gardens, restaurants and a lake.
Gandhi Park has facilities like Children's park, amusement park, water sports, nature trail, lake, garden, restaurant etc.,
Gandhi Park has Deer and Bird park. The Deer Park hosts a wide variety of deers – spotted deer, hog deer, barking deer, Sambar to name a few. The Bird park is made colourful by birds like long-tailed and red-breasted parakeets, grey-fronted and imperial green pigeons, vernal hanging parrot, etc.,
Gandhi Park has immense historical significance as it has a Japanese temple and a bunker, both built by the Japanese during the second World War.
4)      Forest  Museum
The Forest Museum located at Haddo offers an insight into forest activities in the Andaman & Nicobar Islands through models. The Forest Museum also    displays the artifacts made out of timber including Peauma, Oak, Gurjan, padauk and Satin Wood.  The Forest Museum is run by the Forest Department of Andaman and Nicobar Islands.
5)      Mini Zoo
Mini Zoo is a small Zoological park situated at Haddo in Port Blair, Andaman and Nicobar Islands. The Zoo is famous for its Crocodile breeding farm.  The Zoo has about 200 species of birds and animals.
6)      Samudrika Museum
Samudrika Museum is run by the Indian Navy. The Museum has 5   sections: history of the islands, their geography, people, marine   life and archaeology.
The Museum also houses an impressive display of coral and  shells, and a large relief map of topography in Andaman & Nicobar Islands.
7)      Anthropological Museum
The Anthropological Museum, in  Port Blair, was set up  in the year 1975. The Anthropological Museum displays tribal essentials and artifacts such as boats, weapons, baskets, clothing, photographs, models and records of exploratory expeditions undertaken over the years.  The in-house library provides invaluable   reference to the indigenous  Tribal culture of Andaman & Nicobar Islands.
8)      Marina Park
Located on the seashore facing the Ross Island is the Marina park. The Marina Park  offers rides for children and adults: giant wheels, paratrooper and dragon coaster and toy train. Other attractions include a miniature botanical garden, a statue of  Netaji Subash chandra Bose & Children's traffic park .
9)      Corbyn's Cove
The Corbyn’s Cove, is a serene and unspoiled soft sandy beach, set in picturesque background of lush green coconut palms and pleasant blue sea. The main attractions of this beach are the inviting water sports activities like surfing, scuba diving and boating. The Corbyn’s Cove beach, situated 8 kms from the City centre is the closest Beach from the city. This coconut- palm fringed beach, is ideal for swimming, surfing and sun bathing.
The Waves Restaurant, The Peerless Sarovar Portico Resort and the Hornbill Nest Guest House are at a stone's throw, from the beach front.  In fact, Peerless Sarovar Portico is the only beach resort inside the city.
10)  Fisheries Museum
The Fisheries Museum houses more than 300 marine  species of marine life, including live coral, sharks, polyps and  Starfish. These marine species, peculiar to the Andaman & Nicobar Islands is found only in the Indo-Pacific and the Bay of Bengal.
11)  Chatham Saw Mill
Chatham Saw Mill, once Asia’s largest Saw Mill is located in Chatham Island & is connected to Port Blair by a Sea bridge. Since the Supreme Court of India banned logging   in Andaman & Nicobar Islands, most of the wood now comes by  ship from Malaysia, Myanmar and Thailand. Chatham Saw Mill converts huge Logs  into different sizes of timber. It also processes ornamental species which is used in the manufacture of furniture and handicraft.

12)  Mount Harriet

Mount Harriet was  once the summer headquarters of the Chief Commissioner during    the British Raj. Mount Harriet, the  highest point in Port Blair is an   ideal place for a Picnic or a Trek. Mount Harriet is about 55 km from Port Blair by road (15 km by ferry and road), & has a  Forest Guest House located at a height of 365 m.

13)  Viper Island   

Viper Island is located near Port Blair. Infamous for convicts who were jailed here, the gallows atop its hillocks was where criminals and revolutionaries were housed before the commissioning of the Cellular Jail.  The ruins of the discarded jail, built by British in 1867, can be still  seen in this Island. Viper Island is accessible by harbour cruise originating from Phoenix Bay Jetty in Port Blair. 
14)  Ross Island
The Ross Island is a 20-minute boat ride from Aberdeen Jetty in Port Blair. Ross Island, the capital of Andaman & Nicobar Islands during the British  Raj days, now stands guard to the Port Blair harbour. There are historical ruins along the beach and a beautiful tropical forest. Important ruins include a church, swimming pool and the Chief Commissioner's residence. A small museum of the Indian Navy, called Samudrika, has a good collection of old records that depicts the history of the Ross Island.

15)  Mahatma Gandhi Marine National Park

The Mahatma Gandhi Marine National Park near Wandoor  is rich in corals, varieties of coloured fishes, sea turtles etc., besides other marine life. Mahatma Gandhi Marine National Park  is a bird's paradise  having more than 271 varieties of birds including,  39 that are endemic. Mahatma Gandhi Marine National Park is located 29 kms from Port Blair. You have to get a permit from the Wildlife Warden's office near the Wandoor Jetty to visit the Mahatma Gandhi Marine National Park.

16)  Chidiyatapu

Located at the southern most tip of South Andamans, 30 kms from Port Blair, Chidiyatapu is a lush mangrove forest with large number of birds. The Munda Pahar beach is an ideal picnic spot.  The forest guesthouse at Chidiyatapu provides a fabulous view of the isolated islands & breath-taking sunset.

17)  Cinque Island

The Cinque Island is located 54 kms from Port Blair (2 hours by boat from Chidiyatapu). Cinque Island is one of the best diving destination in Andaman & Nicobar Islands & has clear water with visibility levels of up to 80 feet. It is the best place to view a large variety of marine life and black corals. No body is allowed to stay overnight in Cinque Island.

18)  Jolly Buoy Island
offers a breath taking view of underwater coral and marine life. Glass bottom boats help to take a closer look at the coral colonies. Ideal for sea bathing and basking in the sun kissed beach.
19)  The Redskin Island
also offers the lure of underwater coral gardens and unspoiled beaches. An occasional dolphin may also be seen. It is a great place for swimming, scuba diving and snorkeling.
This marine park made-up of open sea, creeks and 15 small and large islands, is one of the best found anywhere in the world. It provides excellent Viewing of rare corals and underwater marine life through glass bottom boats; scuba diving and snorkeling are a lifetime experience for any one here. The rich marine life consists of variety of coral reefs, colourful fishes, shells, turtles, salt-water crocodiles, etc. Both Red Skin and Jolly Buoy are ideal places for observing tropical marine life and an amazing maze of corals. Glass-bottom boats and snorkeling equipment are available on hire and most hotels and tour operators will let you have details about how to get them. The island also have good beaches ideal for spending a leisurely day bathing and basking. At best, these islands are daylong excursions and no night stays are allowed. Because of the frag
20)  Havelock Island

Some 2.5 hours (54 kms) away from Port Blair, Havelock offers the best diving and snorkelling sites & unspoiled sandy beaches. People can reach Havelock Island through ship and regular ship service run between Port Blair and Havelock. At Havelock Island, you can visit beaches of Radhanagar and Elephant beach. On Elephant beach, people can even watch training of elephants and elephants swimming in sea. People can also explore other adventures activities like scuba diving, snorkeling and sight seeing etc.

MV Makruzz, a luxury catamaran, ply daily  between Port Blair and Havelock Island. The vessel with its luxurious interiors and inboard food Kiosk has a maximum cruising speed of 31.5 nautical miles, covering thedistance between Port Blair and Havelock in an estimated time of 90 minutes. The vessel is fitted with approved lifejackets and life rafts in line with class and high speed craft code passenger safety requirements.Scuba diving is probably the biggest activity on Havelock island other than lying around and eating seafood.

21)  Baratang Island

Baratang Island is about 90 km away from Port Blair. At Baratang you can see Mud Volcano which is about 4 km away from the boat jetty. Limestone Caves are located about 50 minutes (by sea) away from Baratang boat jetty. The experience at Parrot Island at sunset, when all the parrots are returning home is indeed a mesmerizing experience.

22)  Neil Island

A marvelous Island with plenty of marine life, Neil Island is an ideal location for eco-tourism. Neil Island is also known as the vegetable bowl of Andamans. The sandy beaches at Sitapur, Bharatpur and Lakshmanpur are very attractive for spending the evenings. The breathtaking view of sea and the lusting greeneries in the island is really rejuvenating and enjoyable for enthusiastic travelers. Neil Island is connected by regular Boat service from Port Blair. Neil Island is also famous for snorkeling. Another famous activity carried out at the Neil Islands is fishing and angling.

23)  Long Island

Long Island is 82 kms. from Port Blair. Long Island is connected by boat from Port Blair, either directly or "island hopping" via Neil Island and Havelock. Long Island offers an excellent sandy beach at Lalaji Bay with unpolluted environment and evergreen forests. Lalaji bay Beach is 6 kms. away from the boat jetty of Long Island.
Long Island is approximately 10km from North to South, 5km from East to West, much of it forested. You can also visit nearby uninhabited islands from Long Island. There are no motor cars on the island, and no roads: free of traffic or crime, the island is a perfect destination for families. Generally, people walk or use bicycles.
24)  Parrot Island :
It is a tiny island situated near Baratang. It's a home to thousands of parrots. During sunset, thousands of parrots will come in groups to settle in that island. The landing of parrots can be viewed from boats and it's a wonderful experience to watch such a huge number of parrots landing there. Totally, Baratang is a nature of lover's paradise.
25)  Chatham Island :
It has a sawmill lying on the tiny island connected by a bridge over a stretch of sea-water. This saw mill is one of the biggest and oldest in Asia. The main island harbor is also here. The other harbor is haddo, which is nearby.
26)  Barren Island :
India's only active volcano is situated in Barren Island. It is just 120 kms away from port Blair. This tiny, circular island covers an area of 8 sq. kms. Barren Island's active volcano erupted twice recently in 1991 and 1994-95 after a period of 177 years. Tourists are allowed to visit this island only on board vessels. Landing on this island is not permitted
27)  Cinque Island :
This is a small and beautiful island to discover the beautiful marine life in andamans. This island offers snorkeling, scuba diving, etc. but Cinque Island tour can be arranged only in a chartered ship. The shallow seas around the island are rich in corals and there are some fine, unspoiled beaches.
If you are lucky, frolicking dolphins could greet you. A day at each of these islands will suffice to quench the appetite of most for the sea. But the experience always leaves the visitors with an restless feeling to long for the more and more of the same.
28)  Mayabunder
is situated in northern part of Middle Andaman; it has excellent oceanic beauty and good beaches. Karmatang beach is situated here and it is also a turtle nesting ground. Mayabunder is the Headquarters of North Andaman, at a distance of 360 kms from Port Blair and 85 kms from Rangat Islands.
29)  Rangat
provides a real tourist attraction for an ecologically conscious tourist, who can enjoy the virgin nature and breathe unpolluted air, a rare commodity for the city dweller. Cuthbert Bay beach which is15 kms away is the beach here and it is also a turtle nesting ground.
30)  Diglipur
is situated in North of Mayabunder; it provides a rare experience of sea, sun and fun for Eco-friendly tourists. It is famous for its marine life. Caliper a sandy beach and a beautiful beach at Ram Nagar is the main attraction here. Kalong, the only river of Andaman flows here, on which the first hydroelectric project of the islands is coming up.
31)  Nicobar Islands :
The Nicobar Islands are separated from the Andaman Islands by the ten-degree channel. It comprises of 28 islands measuring about 1841 sq .kms. The Nicobar Islands are abounding in coconut palm, casuarinas, pandanus, etc. The giant robber crab, monkeys with long tail, nicobari pigeon, megapode are found in Nicobar Islands. The south most part of India, the Indira point is found in great Nicobar. Foreigners are not allowed to visit this island. Indians are also given permission only in exceptional cases.
32)  Car Nicobar [270 kms by sea from Port Blair] :
Car Nicobar is the headquarters of Nicobar district. It is a fertile island covered with coconut palms and beautiful beaches.
33)  Katchal [425 kms by sea from Port Blair] :
This is a tiny island in the Nicobar group.the first sunrise of the millenium at katchal has brought the nadman and nicobar islands in limelight further of the best tourist destinations of india. This island has wonderful beaches at east bay, jhula, etc.
34)  Great Nicobar [540 kms by sea] :
This island is the south most tip of India. Many would have believed that south most tip of India is Kanyakumari but actually its Indira point in great Nicobar. This is a turtle nesting ground for Giant leather back turtles. This island also has a biosphere reserve area.The above tourist places makes andaman and nicobar islands a wonderful destination for all kind of travellers.
Ø  National Memorial
This three-storeyed prison, constructed by the Britishers in 1906, is a pilgrimage destination for freedom fighters. This colossal edifice has mutely witnessed the most treacherous of inhumane atrocities borne by the convicts, who were mostly freedom fighters. Now dedicated to the nation as a National Memorial. Entry Fee: Rs.5/-, Camera :Rs.10/-, Video Camera :Rs.50/- Timing:9.00 AM to 12.30 PM, 1.30 PM to 4.45 PM. It is closed on Monday.Ph:230117.
Ø  Anthropological Museum
Started in the year 1975-76, the Anthropological museum near the Directorate of Tourism, Port Blair is an ethnographic museum. It illustrates the four Negrito Tribes of the Andamans viz. the Jarawas, Sentinelese, Great Andamanese and the Onges and two Mongoloid tribes of the Nicobar viz. the Nicobarese and the Shompens. Entry Fee:Rs.10/-, Rs.3/- for Children. Timings:8.30 AM to 1.00 PM, 1.30 PM to 4.30 PM. It is closed on Thursdays & Govt. Holidays. Ph. 03192-232291.
Ø  Fisheries Museum
Situated near Rajiv Gandhi Water Sports Complex, Port Blair, it exhibits species of marine life endemic to the Islands and Bay of Bengal. It is closed on Mondays and Public holidays/second Saturday. Timing: 9.00 AM to 1.00 PM, 2.00 PM to 4.45 PM Entry Fee: Adult Rs.5/-, Child Rs.3/-, video without focus light: Rs.35/- Ph.03192-231848.
Ø  Samudrika (Naval Marine Museum)
Situated opposite to Andaman Teal House, Delanipur, Port Blair, this museum is meant to create awareness on various aspects of oceanic environment. A good collection of shells, corals and a few species of colourful fishes of the islands are on display. Timings: 9.00 AM -12.00 Noon, 2.00 PM-5.00 PM, Closed on Mondays & Holidays. Entry Fee:Rs.10/-. Ph:03192-232012 ext.2437.
Ø  Zoological Survey of India (Museum)
Situated near Andaman Teal House, this museum exhibits several varieties of sponges, coral, butterflies and centipedes etc. Open on all working days from 9.00 AM till 5.00 PM. Saturday, Sunday & Public Holidays : 9.00 AM till 5.30 PM. Ph:03192-233148, 03192-237582.
Ø  Forest Museum
Situated inside Chatham Saw Mill, this museum offers an insight into forest activities through scale models and displays decorative pieces made of famous woods like Padauk, Marble, Peauma, Gurjan, Satin Wood, etc., Open on all working days. It is closed on Sundays. Timing: 9.00 AM to 3.00 PM

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